Sunday, September 21, 2008

Inside My Uterus

Last Thursday we had our second Ultrasound. I of course made the mistake of scheduling it for 8 AM...forgetting that would mean I had to wake up at 6AM to start drinking water. Thus far my pregnant bladder has held up well but the 32 oz. I had to drink tested my strength for sure.
The ultrasound was amazing...I completely forgot my discomfort once they started. We were able to see the brain, heart, legs, arms perfectely. The baby kept scratching its face. We would be looking at the mouth and suddenly see bony hands. Also we had to keep waiting because the baby was assuming the "leap frog" pose...pulling its knees up to its chest.
Here are a few pics:

In this pic you can see the babies brain with the ventricles already formed, its face and two little sets of fingers and a knee.

Andy calls this our pirate picture. I think it looks more like a Halloween skeleton...appropriate timing right? The baby is facing us with its mouth open. You can see both hands and the two bones in the right forearm. The babies knees are bent and legs are crossed at the ankle. The wiggly thing in the middle is the umbilical cord.
So that is it. We may have another ultrasound later in the pregnancy but probablly not...with the baby looking so healthy and growing so well they dont usually do them. Oh and lastly the stats...heart rate 150, weight 8 oz. length 8 inches.
And for those of you who are wondering about the sex.......sorry :)


Anonymous said...

GOOOO! its freaky looking! man, what did you guys do???? umn and i totally picked out the ventricles before i even read it.. thats cool... (and ps my roomies says its a boy...)